SRSP has launched humanitarian response against the pandemic COVID-19 in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province including the Merged Districts.

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The project, ‘AID TO UPROOTED PEOPLE IN PAKISTAN’ is a project funded by the European Union.

The project, ‘AID TO UPROOTED PEOPLE IN PAKISTAN’ is a project funded by the European Union, financed through KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau) and implemented by Sarhad Rural Support program in collaboration with the Government of Pakistan. Its being implemented in five merged tribal districts of (previously known as the Federally Administered Tribal Areas) Khyber, Kurram, North Waziristan, Orakzai, and South Waziristan. Its a five years integrated development program with the objective, ‘to facilitate the reintegration of temporarily displaced persons (TDPs) of merged districts by creating a favorable environment for their return’. The specific objective is ’to prepare TDPs for their return to merged districts in a focused manner, motivates a timely return and supports them, especially, after return with sustainable, needs oriented measures in the field of long-term reconstruction and rehabilitation’.


Formation of Community Based Organization


Establishing Community Physical Infrastructure


Livelihood Skilled Development Trainings


Advanced Skilled Development Trainings

Project Components

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The project applies a multi-sector approach, where community needs are identified through a distinct community mobilization involvement process. The project recognizes active participation of communities as key to participatory, equitable, accountable, and sustainable development in the region. The project has three components.

Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Social and Physical Community Infrastructure (CPI)

This component will enable communities to address their critical infrastructure needs. This may include schemes such as drinking water supply schemes, irrigation system, link roads, energy, etc.

Skills Development and Livelihood Support

This is the component, which will help to improve the access of poor and disadvantaged, especially youth and women, to income generating opportunities.

Management/Institutional Development Training for Communities

This component will mobilize new/strengthen existing representative, inclusive, and participatory community institutions and enhance their capacities to pro-actively participate in the identification, selection and realization of reconstruction and rehabilitation of social and physical community infrastructure. It will also strengthen state-citizen engagement process by enabling community institutions to interact with the state at the local level.

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